Službena stranica općine Tomislavgrad

Administrative bodies of the Municipality

Office for Economy and Inspection

Terms of reference:

1. Implementation and enforcement of the laws and other regulations in its field of operation.

2. Implements policies for its field of operation: planned analytical and statistical work in the field of economy.

3. Monitors and acts on problems of enterprises and independent entrepreneurs.

4. Directly enforces laws and other regulations.

5. Ensures exercise of rights and execution of obligations by legal and natural persons.   

6. Inspects the work in fields of: agriculture, water management and fishing, hunting, trade, hospitality tourism, veterinary activities, sanitary inspection, utility inspection and urban development and construction.

7. Performs other tasks instructed by the Municipal Council and the Mayor of Municipality.

Assistant Chief Constable (Chief of Service)

Vinko Galir




Office for Finance, Budget and Treasury

Terms of reference:

1. Implements and enforces laws and other regulations in its field of operation as well as the implementation of policies for its field of operation.

2. Preparing Draft Budget and Amending Budget; preparing the Annual Balance Sheet of the Budget.

3. Preparing reports about implementation of the Budget; preparing the Budget Implementation Decision; preparing Decision on Provisional Financing.

4. Preparing the Programme of expenditure of non-budgetary resources.

5. Preparing report about expenditure of non-budgetary resources.

6. Preparing the Annual Balance Sheet of the unbudgeted resources.

7. Carrying out everyday work concerning payment services and commercial banks; ensuring implementation of the previously stated decisions.

8. Runs the accounting and book-keeping systems.

9. Performs other tasks instructed by the Municipal Council and the Mayor of Municipality.

Assistant Chief Constable (Chief of Service)
Božana Jurčević

tel: 034/356-443
fax: 034/356-400


Office for Construction, Physical Planning, Housing and Utility Services

Terms of reference:

1. Implements and ensures enforcement of the laws and other regulations in its field of operation.

2. Implements policies for its field of operation.

3. Carries out the work concerning construction, physical planning, housing and utility services within the limits of its powers.

4. Performs normative and legal, administrative and legal, professional and operational, planning and analytical tasks and assignments concerning previously stated domains.

5. Within the limits of its powers it performs all of the professional and technical, as well as the administrative work concerning housing funds and local and uncategorized roads.

6. Performs other tasks instructed by the Municipal Council and the Mayor of Municipality.

Assistant Chief Constable (Chief of Service)

Daniel Skočibušić




Office for Strategic Planning and Investments

Terms of reference:

1. Implements and ensures enforcement of the laws and other regulations in its field of operation.

2. Implements policies for its field of operation: initiates and cooperates in preparation of plans, programmes and projects of interests for the Municipality.

3. Prepares tenders; takes responsibility for legitimacy of the selection of the best tenderer; monitors realization of the investment.

4. Informs about the final statement of the finished investment.

5. Performs other tasks concerning its field of operation or those instructed by the Municipal Council and the Mayor of Municipality.

Assistant Chief Constable (Chief of Service)

Nedžad Nuhić


fax: 034/352-947


Office for Geodetic Activities, Property and Legal Affairs and Cadastre

Terms of reference:

1. Implements and ensures enforcement of the laws and other regulations in its field of operation.

2. Implements policies for its field of operation.

3. Carries out the work concerning land survey, updates the changes on the land or on objects, and makes records of the mentioned activities in a cadastral survey.

4. Carries out the normative and legal work (making proposals about decisions in proprietary – legal relationships, giving expert evaluation of the preliminary drafts, drafts and proposed bills of law and other regulations concerning proprietary – legal relationships).

5. Managing all the work connected to law and application of the law concerning real property of those in the public sector as well as of the private ones.

6. Managing administrative procedures and preparing orders in first-instance proceedings according to different types of evidence (expropriation, usurpation, transfers of building land, demarcations, arrondation, comasation and other proprietary – legal relationships).

7. Performs other tasks instructed by the Municipal Council and the Mayor of Municipality.

Assistant Chief Constable (Chief of Service)

Marija Kovačević




Office for Social Services and General Administration

Terms of reference:

 1. Implements and ensures enforcement of the laws and other regulations in its field of operation.

2. Implements policies for its field of operation.

3. Carries out the work concerning social services. Does analytical studies; performs normative and legal, administrative and legal, professional and operational, planning and analytical tasks as well as the developmental aspects in organization of social services.

4. Implements and ensures enforcement of the laws, other regulations and general acts in the domain of education, culture, physical education, health care as well as in jobs concerning social supervision in the scope of social services.

5. Carries out the work of registration of population in local offices, the work concerning file-cards and archive, the authentication of signatures, transcripts and manuscripts and management of electoral register.  

6. Performs other tasks instructed by the Municipal Council and the Mayor of Municipality.

Assistant Chief Constable (Chief of Service)

Ante Bokanović




Office for War Veteran’s Affairs and General Administrative Services

Terms of reference:

1. Implements and ensures enforcement of the laws and other regulations in its field of operation.

2. Implements policies for its field of operation.

3. In the field of its operation it carries out administrative and other professional work established by law which concerns social status affairs of disabled war veterans, families of the deceased defenders, unemployed veterans, care of the disabled soldiers in war and in peace, care of the family of the fallen, missing and deceased defenders, as well as of deceased disabled veterans. In its scope of work it carries out administrative and legal, normative and legal, professional and operational, planning and analytical tasks as well as the tasks from the domains stated above.

4. Performs other tasks instructed by the Municipal Council and the Mayor of Municipality.

Assistant Chief Constable (Chief of Service)

Ivica Šarac



Office for Civil Protection

Terms of reference:

1. Does administrative, professional and other jobs concerning protection and rescue.

2. Organizes, prepares and conducts protection and rescue in the area of the Municipality.

3.  Makes evaluation of the endangerment of the Municipality.

4. Prepares programmes for development of protection and rescue in the case of natural and other disasters.

5. Suggest plans for protection and rescue in the case of natural and other disasters.

6. Supervises preparation of protection and rescue and proposes improvement measures for organization and trainings of civil service.

7. Organizes and coordinates implementation of protection and rescue measures; organizes and carries on fire protection and fire-fighting work; proposes programmes for trainings.

8. Organizes municipal operational civil centre for protection and ensures its functioning.

9. Recruits people for the civil service headquarters, protection services and rescue and civil protection units; appoints commissioners of the civil service; ensures material and technical equipment, organizes and supervises their trainings.

 10. Prepares regulations in the field of protection and rescue which are in the scope of the Municipality.

11. Manages statutory records and other jobs concerning protection and rescue according to the law and other regulations and general acts.


Municipal Civil Service contact: +387 34 356 461

Operational Centre of the Civil Service fax: +387 34 356 449

Assistant Chief Constable (Chief of Service)

Ivan Perić

Tel: 034/356-449


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