The Mayor of the Municipality

The Mayor of the Municipality
Name and surname: Ivan Buntić,
Contact: +387 34 356 400
Political party: “Croatian National Shift” (Hrvatski nacionalni pomak)

The Secretary of the bodies of government services
Name and surname: Kristijan Petrović, lawyer
Contact: +387 34 365 401
Authorities of the mayor of the Municipality
Mayor of the Municipality is responsible to the Municipal Council for carrying out the self-governing part of the Municipality. Authorities of the mayor are:
- Enforcement of the political goals of the Municipality, execution of the municipal regulations and powers delegated by the cantonal or federal government
- Ensuring cooperation between municipal employees with ombudsmen
- Organization of the municipal administration and its work
- Management of the municipal services and the work of municipal employees
- Appointment and discharge of municipal employees
- Consultations for the election of the judges of Municipal Court, municipal prosecutors and their deputies, as well as public attorneys and lay judges of the municipal courts
- Preparing proposals for the Municipal Council
- Managing assets of the Municipality
- Prepares proposals for the reports to the Municipal Council and to the public about the enforcement of municipal and mayor’s political duties
- Reports to the County Assembly or administrative bodies of the county about execution of political goals, laws and other regulations of the county when they are delegated to the Municipality
- Management of other business stated by law or by the Statute.
Mayor of the Municipality is responsible to the County Government for legal and efficient work of the management concerning legitimately delegated work.
While carrying out the work delegated by the County Government the mayor is obliged to follow the general guidelines or individual directions from the County Government.
The mayor of the Municipality is obliged to give information, documents and reports to administrative bodies and institutions of the County about enforcement of political goals and laws of the County, other regulations of the County and international agreements when asked.